Two and a Half Years Later...

It's been two and a half years since my one and only post, and while I find that my experiences haven't slowed down, I am enjoying a moments rest during this Thanks Giving Holiday. So much has happened; so much growth in my personal journey of healing myself and in assisting others as a healer. I think my most favorite part has been the moments when I travel into other dimensions and spaces in time. Viewing past life or parallel lifetimes of not only my experiences, but also those of my clients have been some of my favorite experiences.

Another form of experiences that I really feel honored and blessed to have been a part of are the times in which I see the other members of the inter-dimensional healing team that is assisting the client in the session. I am always happy to welcome the healing teams into the sessions. These beings are of the highest light and love and assist for the good of the clients souls experience. Through all times and spaces in healing and enlightenment. As we continue raising our vibration and consciousness, I feel blessed and honored to be among a beautiful group of Light-workers who have remembered and claimed their birthright in ushering in a new era of healing and cellular / DNA recalibration.

Clearing and releasing the ties that bind us, the emotional codes that weigh us down, and hold us back is truly a life changing experience. Not only for us, but for those who have come before us and those who are yet to come. By shifting and changing our DNA and the emotional charges that have been passed down through time, we create a ripple effect of healing that spans through out the generations. I am currently working on this within my own family. During a recent hypnotic regression, I connected with my guides and was reminded of an aspect of my life's work. That is to clear and heal the patterns within my family. Okay, I thought I had an idea of how to do this, or how it was being done. Yet while I was correct to some degree, I hadn't expanded upon the ways in which is would occur.

Recently I was in a massage session to release a skeletal/muscular discomfort that I had been experiencing for quite some time. I worked with this area through energy work, but wasn't able to fully clear and heal it. I was surprised and a bit in awe when during my session, a departed family member stepped in. At first I wasn't sure of who or what lifetime I was seeing. I saw a little child in an old farm house, there was a woman; his mother, who greeted me and displayed her personality. He was happy and young. As I asked who this was, it became clear it was my grandfather. He told me that I was helping him clear the trauma he had experienced as a child. He said I was the only one (out of the 20 grandkids) who was aware and open to this work; this made sense to me so I went with it. My grandfather proceeded to show me his life as a young and happy child. He was very innocent and had a playful nature about him. It saddens me now to revisit these moments. I become very sentimental as I know what was to come. ... the days he showed me were just before he contracted the polio virus. Days, weeks, months on end, my grandfather showed me himself lying in bed. Unable to move, going in and out of the physical reality. It was very traumatic and emotionally disheartening. In a short time, his life was changed forever.

There were many emotions that weren't fully expressed during this time. They remained with him, stuck within and continued to become a part of him and his DNA. He showed me these emotional dynamics and how they played out in the lives of my family members. Siblings, cousins, his children and finally my own children. Some, more than others, carried these emotional encodings as they were not fully healed while he was alive. It was time to heal them and shift the vibration within our family.

I am very thankful to have the experience in releasing during sessions. The process, while not new to me, was still a bit awkward as I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. I was watching the emotional packets of information and codes being released and dissolve away. I also saw patterns that went back to my great-grandfather, a man I don't remember at all.. this is when the deep, deep emotional pain came through. Let me just say, I am very thankful for my LMT and I am blessed to have established a relationship of trust with her. The form of bodywork we were using is called unwinding, and it was just what I needed.

I am currently working through healing patterns on the maternal side of my family. This is an area I've been working on for some time now. I think I'm making progress,... one day and experience at a time as these patterns have worked their way into my life. It's more of a conscious shift and choosing an alternative route to break the cycles. I'm sure that soon enough, once I rewire the charges and responsive behaviors that through some energy therapy sessions, I will be able to clear much, if not all of these patterns. I have already seen great progress.

One challenge, that I feel I'm settling well into now, is that of balance. I'm still balancing the various aspects of my experience. I'm in the role of a Mother, Wife, Housekeeper, Energy Healing Practitioner, Teacher and Student... oh and Friend... did I forget to mention friend? I've been thoroughly blessed recently to find like minded women and re-establish lasting friendships. While I balance the connection between earth and the spiritual realms, I am continuing with classes and furthering my experience and knowledge within the field of spiritual healing. I recently acquired a set of healing crystal bowls to work with. I have had  a few beautiful experiences thus far and look forward to our future sound healing sessions. Additionally, I have taken classes in Vogal Crystal Healing, Angel Therapeutic Healing and Readings, Mediumship, and advanced courses in Past Life Regression Therapy. It's been a FULL past two years, I hope to keep up with this journal / blog and continue sharing my experiences.

Many Blessings! Amy


  1. Amy, we look forward to hearing of your progress as you continue on your path to healing ... learning ... applying ... and teaching! We send a little breath your way to serve as some of the wind beneath your wings ... ;-) Sharon O'Day


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