Star-Seeded Ascensions - Messages from The Councils
It's here! Star-Seeded Ascensions - Messages from The Councils is now available in print. I know so many of you have been patiently waiting since we announce a year ago that we were writing this book. It's available now, wahoo!!! ✨It feels great to hold this in our hands. I love a good printed book, but if you just can't wait for shipping, you can download your ebook now @ ✨Two Star-Seeded friends open themselves up to a higher power in a search for guidance. Each return to their higher self through hypnosis, and make connections with their Star Councils where they receive information for Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Energy Healers. Journey with the authors as they travel in their light bodies through time and space to recall soul memories. Boarding their ships, they take on their spirit names, meet with their council of guides, and receive guidance and information. Discover The Councils’ descriptions of a ✨Starseed✨ and the processes...