
Showing posts from 2011

3-day Class

This past weekend, I took a 3-day Tools & Techniques class for Intermediate learning for an Energy Healer. It was amazing! It was Healing, Informative, Validating, and I learned a couple of "tools" for my handbag. Not to mention, I met some wonderful new friends and connected with some other friends. I have given and received sessions in the past. This was a very Healing and Intense session. I believe it would have taken multiple treatments to reach the level I reached in the healing process, had it been under normal situations. However, at the end of  a 3 day intensive, and with a group of a dozen plus healers, the energy seemed to be just right to foster the healing. Additionally, I was simultaneously working on myself, and understanding what was going on from both a healer and a client has its benefits. I had thought about posting my journal entry, and then opted not to. Let's just leave it at the above and know that it was very healing. Hope you have a great nig...

Salmonella, Family Trip & New Lovely Crystals

If you'd rather skip right to the Crystals, Scroll on down my friend. No need to read my other dealings if you'd rather not. ;) Wow, so I found out today that I had Salmonella poisoning 2 weeks ago during the time I called on Beings of the Highest Love & Light, including Angels, Guides, Jesus & Lugh.... I defiantly felt terrible and was asking for blessings from many. Well, now I at least know it was truly as bad as it felt, lol. I'd gone to a few restaurants the days prior, so I can't even state where I think I may have picked it up. Thank goodness the rest of  the family didn't get it. So, I took to a slow recovery and think I lost a few pounds due to 4 days with minimal foods and plentiful fluids. I finally went to the Doctor on a Friday when it had just been going on for way to long. That next day I took a very interesting trip to visit family as our kids and I flew up north to the Wisconsin Dells. I found a mining company up at the Dells that ha...

Lugh. Also known as Lug, Lugus, Lleu... a Youthful Celtic Sun God

I was happy to receive my copy of Doreen Virtue's Archangels & Ascended Masters in the mail yesterday. It came at a great time too. I was not feeling well at all yesterday. Pounding headache, Sore muscles, Chills, Cramps, Nausea... pretty much everything. It was horrible. I was saying lots of prayers and doing a little Reiki on myself, but since I truly had no energy, it was hard to hold the intention. I just opened the book up and the page I turned to was about Lugh. Quickly scanning the pages, I thought "why not?". It was meant to be. I'd never heard of him before, let alone asked for the help of any being besides Jesus, God & Angels... I guess though I do call on the broad term "Ascended Masters". But this was my first time calling on an Ascended Master that I wasn't familiar with, especially him. In her book, Doreen describes one of his specialties as Healing from painful situations and Alchemy. It's said he makes a potion designed ...

Doreen's Articles and insight on Ten Lessons I Learned From the Angels

Oh wow, I'm so energized by the knowledge of Doreen's new "free" articles. I knew it was a great idea to add her to my Facebook. I just started reading her article Ten Lessons I Learned From the Angels . Already I'm blown away. I love lesson #1, As I have recently put this into practice myself and feel more whole and connected to ME than I have in a very long time. 1. Live in integrity. The angels said toDoreene, "Spend your time doing activities that match your highest intentions. Let go of things that your intuition prompts you to surrender. Those things may then either become healed so that you enjoy them, or else the activity will easily drop away." 4. Purify your diet. "All food has vibration, and you want to vibrate as high and fine as you feel attuned to. Eat a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, which have the highest vibrational frequencies. Av...

The Path of a Light Worker ... Letting My Light Shine!

Two months ago today, we packed up our home in Alabama and moved here to Texas. With the change in location, brought a change in perception, energy, intention and attitude. Our 18 months spent in Alabama provided significant learning experiences for our family. All of which, I'm sure, happened to prepare us for our next chapter in life. I've grown a lot since my initiation into Reiki in 2001. Moved a few times, including living in 4 homes in the past 2 years. Played the part as a stay home mom to two, enrolled in college, earned my LPN and worked in the nursing field. However, with this move to San Antonio, I know it's time to further develop my gifts as an Energy Healer / Light Worker / Reiki Master ... lol, and a few other modalities I'll be training in here. I recently was told that those of us who are drawn to this work, most often have had a challenging history - a rocky road. And so, while I will not get into the past events that have shaped who I am, I will j...