The Path of a Light Worker ... Letting My Light Shine!

Two months ago today, we packed up our home in Alabama and moved here to Texas. With the change in location, brought a change in perception, energy, intention and attitude. Our 18 months spent in Alabama provided significant learning experiences for our family. All of which, I'm sure, happened to prepare us for our next chapter in life.

I've grown a lot since my initiation into Reiki in 2001. Moved a few times, including living in 4 homes in the past 2 years. Played the part as a stay home mom to two, enrolled in college, earned my LPN and worked in the nursing field. However, with this move to San Antonio, I know it's time to further develop my gifts as an Energy Healer / Light Worker / Reiki Master ... lol, and a few other modalities I'll be training in here.

I recently was told that those of us who are drawn to this work, most often have had a challenging history - a rocky road. And so, while I will not get into the past events that have shaped who I am, I will just say that I understand them now. I see how they have helped me to grow and by experiencing various situations and emotions, I am able to better understand and empathize with others. Also, I somehow feel that now is the time to dive in feet first and do what I'm here to do.

The time is now for me. I've been working with my Angels daily. I've been working with them and my spirit guides for years now. Only right now, they are with me to help me get going on this path as a Light Worker.

Intention-That is the message I've been receiving loud and clear since the 1st of April.What is my Intention? Intention + Action can = Miracles. And so, my Intention has been to get involved and meet people. In the past 8 weeks, I've unpacked the home and got us settled from the move. While it's a big feat, it was not a challenge to me. The greatest challenges for me are to be more social. I'm an introvert... that is until you get to know me. Meeting people and talking to strangers seems a bit foreign to me. Thankfully I've just done all that I know how and ask the Angels for guidance. This is how I'm getting through all of my growth spurts, lol.

So not only am I proud of myself for what has transpired, I'm also proud of the way it took place- by trusting in the Divine and asking for Guidance. So far I've created a Reiki / Treatment room and have given a new friend a treatment. She was very open to it and would like another session. I put it out there and made it to a class I felt drawn to in Austin. It was challenging to balance a weekend class with my family's schedule, but once again, the Angels stepped in and Orchestrated a way for me. The class was Perfect. All about Angels & Angel Therapy. Taught by the wonderful Kathy at The Healing PathWay.  The group of ladies I met are wonderful inspirations to me. I now am working on trusting myself and intuition at a deeper level, and I have to say the validations that I've received are very healing and powerful for me.

Here's an exerpt from my journal, the same write up that lead me to start this blog. I want to document all of the miracles... big or small , that happen in my life. I do this as a way of recognition, saying thank you, and to inspire others as well. To me, some of the smallest miracles in life have the biggest impact on me.

"May 27, 2011
I had a challenging day that I believe I accomplished with positive outcomes that my Angels, Guides, and higher self are proud of. I put it out there and asked my Angels to help me meet 2 - 3 people from the pool party the day before, who would be able to sit in for my speech.  The days were met with people cancelling and changing times.  This seemed discouraging and my ego set in to depress me.

I turned to my Angels and drew cards of inspiration. I knew they were there and kept the attitude and intention that it would all be okay and work out. It is all for the higher good any ways. One lesson I've learned that I put into play is that Stressing out over situations, will only make them worse. So, I sat back and watched the days events unfold and essentially, just come to me. I let the Angels step in and help out. This is a HUGE change for me. In the past, I tended to be very high strung. I'm reminding myself that it's not necessary to be that way.

So, it all worked out. An audience showed and I gave my speech first speech for my communications class. The topic was met with great interest and acceptance. This meant more to me personally than the speech. I felt guided to present on a topic that I'm passionate about; Energy Healing. While I wanted to go on for hours, 5 minutes was the requirement. So, I briefed it down to the Human Energy Field.

This speech taught me many things on a personal level. 
  1. Angels are here to help and are Amazing! ... through their guidance and support, I was able to select a group of 5-6 ladies whom I've already introduced some form of complimentary medicine to. And just as a side note, you see I asked for 2-3 more to complete my group. I received 5-6 that is because one showed up late!... lol.. I just learned I need to be very specific, and keep that faith behind my intention.
  2. I believe that the ladies I met were there for a reason far beyond helping me with a class asignment.
  3. I am developing my skills of being more assertive and out going.
  4. I am so Being True to Myself! .. No longer hiding my feelings and Interests, thinking it will make others feel more comfortable.
And the list goes on and on. I believe there is hope of not only friendship with the 4 ladies that showed, but also knowledge of self achievement. I’m proud of myself for leaving my comfort zone and meeting these ladies. Not only meeting them, but introducing them to new ideas and discussing topics that are often not socially spoken of, Yay! "

I'll just end this exceptionally lengthy post with a quote I heard years ago, that continues to this day to be a favorite of mine.

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


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