
Showing posts from 2016

Activating the Starseed on Amazon and Kindle

Just in time for Christmas, Activating the Starseed is now available through Amazon and on Kindle.  Activating the Starseed is the second book in the Star-Seeded Ascensions series.  "Activating The Starseed goes straight to the heart of enlightenment. I found that it offered practical steps toward raising one's frequency and understanding our energetic bodies, along with a nearly palpable energy that worked on other levels as I read the book. This book is a refreshing yet profound reminder that we are not alone, that we are here during this time frame for a reason, and that our light is spreading and taking root. I feel that this book will serve as a priceless tool toward the awakening, activation, and ascension of all who are led to it!" -Lindsay Golden Johnson, USA Instagram's @peace_love_light   Activating the Starseed, brings the reader up close and personal with the ascension process. In her book, Amy shares her awakening and ascension experiences as star...

Activating the Starseed- Available Now on Kindle

Wow, what a long, blessed journey into deeper levels of healing and self-awareness the past two years have been. With a grateful and happy heart, I'm excited to announce the release of the second book in our  Star-Seeded Ascensions  series. Available now on  Kindle  (free for kindle unlimited members) and hopefully next week in print, our second book in the series has been a blessed labor of love beginning after our connection with the councils in 2014 and traversing two interstate moves. Picking up where Connie and I left off in Messages from The Councils, Activating the Starseed continues with the delivery of messages of healing, activation, and maintenance of the light body from the star councils and Archangel realm. Activating the Starseed brings the reader up close and personal with the ascension process. Combined with conversations and direct messages from the councils, I also share moments from my awakening and ...

Color is Life! My Experience with Rainbow OPTX Chromotherapy Glasses

‘Wow!” is all I can say after putting on a pair of Rainbow OPTX  Orange Wayfarer   glasses. I look at our son and thank him for choosing the color. Orange would not have been my first pick and boy am I surprised at the transformation taking place. As I view everything washed in an orange glow, I am immediately brought back to my childhood. He stands next to me wearing a pair of Blue  Aviators  as I am transported back to a time where happiness and magic abound. There is a shift in my being and I welcome the experience.   Color  is  Life Nasa scientists show how light wave particles vibrating at varying frequencies creates different colors. Chromotherapy is the practice of using the color wavelengths for healing and goes back to ancient times. Color healing can be found with roots in Egypt , China, Greece and India. It has also played an important part in my life. As a sensitive, when I tune into color, sound or energy I am immediatel...

Periscope Live Broadcasting

Let's connect. I'm now on Periscope and as a member of the Holistic Broadcaster Community , I'll be offering informative live broadcasts on Energy Healing, Past Lives and Regression, Angels, Spirituality and more. Join me now at  Periscope.TV Join us this Saturday 1/30/2015 at 12:00 EST for the Holistic Summit. Sign up with Periscope using your Twitter account. Then follow the speakers by clicking   here