Happy New Year & 2019 Announcements! - January 2019 Newsletter
Happy New Year! I hope you had a beautiful holiday season. Ours started off with a bang as we went to New York City to support our son and his high school band. They performed in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on one of the coldest days on record. With tempetures in the teens, my husband and I braved the cold at 5 am to get a good seat. Despite the parade-day weather, we had such a great time and can't wait to go back. Only a couple weeks later, Nicole and I hosted a much welcomed retreat here in Ft. Worth. Following the weeks of excitement and holiday gatherings, I was very happy to stay home in Ft. Worth for Christmas. Our daughter, came home from the university and we we spent the break with both kids. It was a much needed down time and I've found that I'm now rejuvenated and ready for the new year! Expansion in Services 2018 was an instrumental year in many areas including growing @Raise.The.Vibe.Tribe to over 200k subscriber...