Living in Multiple Realities & Light Workers on Earth - Channeled Message From The Council of Light -

Living in Multiple Realities & Light Workers on Earth 
- Channeled Message From The Council of Light -

You can follow along with the closed captioning in the video

Highlighted Messages 

“We are tuning in. We are connecting. We are observing and we are very happy. And we are also very troubled in some ways, shall we say. Because we see the duality. We see the splitting and pulling apart of the realities here upon the physical vessel.

There are some of you who are experiencing The Dark Night of the Soul, shall we say. There are some of you who are ripping and tearing in your core. And by this we mean you are stretching and you are expanding, and you are being pulled in all directions; many of which are very, very uncomfortable for you. You see, because this experience is not one that is linear. No, no indeed. This is one experience that is quantum. This experience presses forward through time and space. This experience stretches through multiple dimensions and parallel realities, dear ones. As you are acquainted with and gathering your own frequency and understanding who you are at the core of your nature. Yes, sweet ones; understanding truly who you are. As you do this, you are observing, and you are collecting, and you are pulling into your physical vessel, all of who you are.

(These are) your frequencies through the multiple expressions. You may call them realities, you may call them timelines, you may call them incarnations into parallel, past and future lives if you will.”

“This is a beautiful space, this creation here in time, this physical dimension of the earth plane. There is much activity around and surrounding the earth. And you are guided, you are protected, you are blessed sweet ones.”

“As the governments crumble and fall, as the population’s emotional temperament increases, and waxes and wanes... you see what is happening is that there is a lot of emotion moving and rolling, and rippling through the consciousness. And it is the light workers, dear ones. It is incarnated angels, dear ones. It is the star beings here in the physical vessel that are able to manage and appropriately regulate these frequencies. You see, because if you can keep a vibrational pattern of love and security in your heart and in your field you are doing service to mankind and those around you. And the security that we are speaking about is the feeling and the sensation of balance, peace, understanding and oneness, and this is an all-encompassing experience. This is not so much one that can be learnt from the mind; cognitively expressed, you see. This is one that must be quantum and emotionally felt and encountered, then experienced and then put into a cognitive description, you see”.

Welcome Starseed, Earth Angel, Lightworkers, Soul family. Thank you for connecting. It’s been such a blessing to meet many of you and connect here on Instagram. Recently my guides, The Council- reminded us of how our energy will attract like minds & hearts. In this week’s transmission they shared: “If you are here* it is because you are of another vibrational frequency, you are of a higher elevation. You’re connecting in and tuning in to those of us who are in the interdimensional frequencies, the higher planes of consciousness. The 4D, the 5D and so on”.

“We are seeing it like a beautiful web of light with the moments of sparks turning on. Beautiful light igniting and uniting through the stream. Every segment in this web is a stream of consciousness, and all are beginning to connect. And if you are here, it is because you are vibrating at a higher frequency, dear one. And if you are easily, effortlessly, naturally, raising your awareness or having your awareness raised for you, you see. Up into a higher level of consciousness, it's because you are here for a purpose and on a mission, you see. You are here as a light bearer. You are here is a beacon of truth and abundance and love, dear one. And you are here to help anchor in the frequencies of love and consciousness so that mankind and Earth herself may move in transition up into that fifth dimension of reality, you see.”

“You see, because if you can keep a vibrational pattern of love and security in your heart and in your field, you are doing service to mankind and those around you. And the security that we are speaking about is the feeling and the sensation of balance, peace, understanding and oneness. And this is an all-encompassing experience. This is not so much one that can be learnt from the mind; cognitively expressed, you see. This is one that must be quantum and emotionally felt and encountered, then experienced and then put into a cognitive description, you see”


Readings, Conversations with The Councils, Energy Therapy, Hypnosis & More:

🎥Full message available on YouTube @amysikarskie 

📚 Star-Seeded Ascensions: Activating the Starseed, Amy Sikarskie Available at Amazon & Kindle


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