Happy New Year & 2019 Announcements! - January 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year! 

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I hope you had a beautiful holiday season. Ours started off with a bang as we went to New York City to support our son and his high school band. They performed in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on one of the coldest days on record. With tempetures in the teens, my husband and I braved the cold at 5 am to get a good seat. Despite the parade-day weather, we had such a great time and can't wait to go back.
Only a couple weeks later, Nicole and I hosted a much welcomed retreat here in Ft. Worth. Following the weeks of excitement and holiday gatherings, I was very happy to stay home in Ft. Worth for Christmas. Our daughter, came home from the university and we we spent the break with both kids. It was a much needed down time and I've found that I'm now rejuvenated and ready for the new year!

Expansion in Services

2018 was an instrumental year in many areas including growing @Raise.The.Vibe.Tribe to over 200k subscribers. It's been a labor of love and been a beautiful way to meet so many of you. I want to thank you for your connection, love and support this past year.
Feeling more and more comfortable in front of the camera and stepping into the art of trance channeling has been areas of personal growth that I'm happy to share with you.
To specifically view the channeled videos, check out the playlist I've shared channeled messages from my council of guides. From one of our first channeled messages in Sedona when I was still toning, to my most recent video where I've transitioned over the year into dropping in. You can hear their voice and personality more through the vocal communications in the recent videos.
If you're on Instagram, you can also connect at @AmySikarskie@StarSeeded_Ascensions@SpiritSchoolMagic and @5DConsiousEnergy for updates and daily inspiration.You can catch me live on @AmySikarskie or @Raise.The.Vibe.Tribe and view free videos on many topics on YouTube.
Be sure to turn on notifications to catch an interactive Instagram Live where I take questions and often provide complementary readings. My goal this season is to do one video a week. Whether its a Live or a channeled message (shared on YouTube).
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5D Conscious Energy

In 2018 I expanded course teachings through online platforms. Last month Celeste Blake and I launched our website www.5dconsciousenergy.com. This is a website where we will offer resources to help us navigate the transition into the 5th dimension. Check out our free weekly astrology forecast. We released our first online class a few weeks ago, Anchoring in the 5D.
You can join us in this two hour online class for just $11.11 as we talk about moving out of 3D and anchoring into 5D frequencies. If you are experiencing the 3rd dimensions and would prefer to access and remain in the 5th dimension, this is the class for you! Click here to learn more about Anchoring in the 5D.
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In the Spring, Nicole and I launched our online school, Spirit School Magic where we are currently offering six courses and have plans for more to come this year.
We launched the school with our Learn to Channel course, and released Nicole’s Mediumshipcourse. I have also brought over my Reiki classes to the online platform. Reiki certifications; levels I, II, Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher. are available through video learning and one-on-one remote mentorship.

A Gathering of Angels

We had our first in-person gathering in Fort Worth, Texas at Mariposa on the Lake in December. This was such a beautiful location and a blessing to unite and see each other in person. We want to thank everyone that made it happen! Beyond the delicious dinners, the awesome dance party and bonfire, we were especially moved to see everyone come together and grow through their past life regression, heart centering meditation and channeling for one and other. As the school grows and new friendships are made, we can’t wait to offer more retreats. We’re currently looking at dates and locations for 2019 and welcome your suggestions!
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Live Upcoming Classes

Kicking off the year, we will be offering a Spirit Party via Zoom on January 20, 2019 from 7-9:00. It’ll be a beautiful time to hold space and communicate with Spirit. This will be done in a group format, where everyone will give and receive multiple messages. This lovely space will provide practice for those who would like some additional support and an opportunity to strengthen your unique channeling styles with an open, honest and loving group. Anyone that has taken Learn to Channel or that has reading experience is welcome to attend. We look forward to connecting with you in this space where you’ll receive encouragement from your angels and guides.
Spaces are limited. Enroll here

Learn to Channel - March 2019

We’re absolutely thrilled to be offering Learn to Channel this spring. Running March 6 - April 10, 2019, Learn to Channel will adeptly lead you from the basics to the advanced techniques of the art of channeling. Once you’ve learned to hear, see and feel your team in Spirit, life becomes a dance of wonderment and joy. Channeling provides a map to your intuition and soul unlocking grand portals of knowledge.
This Divinely inspired course will cover channeling in multiple forms. These shared concepts, codes and science are held deep within your heart and we will show you how to unlock them. These universal codes within your heart unlock the greatest mysteries of life. We include teachings about star origins, angelic frequencies and other realms that are here to guide you on the path of exploring your mission as a channel on Earth. In this space, you’ll meet your guides, channel the masters and become the ultimate channel you wish to be. We hope to see you on this sacred journey.
Registration is open now and payment plans are available at www.SpiritSchoolMagic.com

"I consider myself a newbie to Spirit, archangels, ascended masters and spirit guides. I wanted to have a deeper connection to this new world I just started to explore from people who aren’t just super knowledgeable and experienced but loving and caring individuals. I wanted to learn how to trust my inner voice, call in my Spiritual team and start receiving messages directly to me instead of paying someone else to channel messages for me. By the end of the 5 weeks I had so many awesome, magical, fun, exciting experiences. I actually couldn’t wait to meditate because I felt such a stronger connection to spirit and couldn’t wait to see what I’d hear and channel next. I feel so much more confident in my new skills and the love that surrounds me" ... - Theresa N.
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Thank you for taking your time to catch up! I'm sending many beautiful blessings your way and look forward to connecting more throughout the year.
Love, Amy
Amy Sikarskie, LVN, Reiki Master,
Intuitive Channel, Past Life Hypnotherapist
Start 2019 off feeling balanced and centered. Schedule your private reading, healing, mentor call or past life regression today.
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